Monday, July 31, 2006

how many lies before impeachment

WTC Coverage

EPA Denies White House Classified Post-9/11 Air Quality Documents

July 28, 2006

The Environmental Protection Agency is refuting a Daily News article that said the White House may have covered up documents proving the air around the World Trade Center site was toxic after September 11th.

Can you believe this crap. This administration is getting away with more lies and cover-ups then i thought could ever be possible. How does he keep getting away with it. Republicans say Clinton wasn't being impeached because of the blowjob from an intern. They say he was being impeached for the "LIE". Well...............? I'd rather a president who gets a blowjob here and there, than a president who manufactures evidence to go to war, outs CIA agents, has people in his campaign team being investigated, etc.etc.etc.... What do we have 2......3....years left with this guy? I lost count after day two!

Sunday, July 30, 2006

part II

These are some of my Sketchbook drawings that i have framed. I have tons of these, so you'll see more later. But these are just quick 30 sec. drawings. Some done in bars, some done in the park........they are my quickies

my gallery part I

These are two of my pieces. The first one is actually a self-portrait "abstract of course" done in charcoal. It is a piece i did while still in Art school.
The other piece i did here in NYC. The "Untitled" piece is one of my favorites. It's one of my first non-figural pieces.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

First Photo

So these are our only baby pictures so far. These were taken at three months.....our little peanut. Next week we do our comprehensive...this is where we decide to find out its sex. Not quite sure if we're going to spoil the surprise or not. We'll figure it out come crunch time. Exciting.............

Friday, July 28, 2006

We're foster parents

Sheeba, the dog next door, who now seems to have taken a liking to OUR backyard. Has recently had puppies. Was only able to find two of the little ones. Was able to get rid of one right away to my old dog food guy. Jerry, he owns a pet shop on Bushwick in Williamsburg. Now this other little one, which Karie and I named Bubba. He's got a home, we're just taking care of him until he stops nursing.
Its' amazing how everyday he just gets more and more alert. A week ago he didn't even have his eyes open. Two days ago he hardly could walk on his own. Now Bubba is hauling ass and becoming a little terrorist.

the three of us

Thats' us. Me, the misses, and the bun in the oven. We're standing in our backyard. Man do i love our back yard. BBQ's in your own backyard are the best ways to spend a summer in Brooklyn. Normally one would have to buy a beer at a bar to be able drink outside. Not me Not this Summer. uhuh

the feldmans

Welcome to the Feldmans Blog. I will pre-warn you all, this blog will probably be all over the place. I will be talking about everything from the miss's, the baby, New York, and lets not forget about POLITICS. Sorry...eheheeh I just started so not sure how exactly to use it, but i'll figure it out.
Lets not forget i also have to learn how to use my new Laptop......MacBook baby I've always been a PC guy so i'm learning