Monday, July 31, 2006

how many lies before impeachment

WTC Coverage

EPA Denies White House Classified Post-9/11 Air Quality Documents

July 28, 2006

The Environmental Protection Agency is refuting a Daily News article that said the White House may have covered up documents proving the air around the World Trade Center site was toxic after September 11th.

Can you believe this crap. This administration is getting away with more lies and cover-ups then i thought could ever be possible. How does he keep getting away with it. Republicans say Clinton wasn't being impeached because of the blowjob from an intern. They say he was being impeached for the "LIE". Well...............? I'd rather a president who gets a blowjob here and there, than a president who manufactures evidence to go to war, outs CIA agents, has people in his campaign team being investigated, etc.etc.etc.... What do we have 2......3....years left with this guy? I lost count after day two!

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